Agenda item

Planning Policy

Presentation and workshops on the following planning policy documents:


  • Peckham and Nunhead area action plan


  • Open spaces strategy


Alison Squires, Planning Policy Team Leader, explained there were six themes within the Area Action Plan (AAP)

-  Enterprise and activity: Peckham town centre – shops, leisure, cultural facilities,  local shops, takeaways, markets, business space

-  Community well-being: schools, health facilities, sports facilities, community facilities

-  Transport and traffic: active travel, public transport, road network, parking for residential

-  Homes: 2,000 new homes, 1,500 in the core action area, 700 private / 700 affordable, 20-30% family

-  Natural environment: open spaces, energy, waste, water, flooding, pollution, trees

-  Design and heritage: public realms, built form, building heights, heritage


The AAP was at the preferred option stage and consultation would run until 24 April 2012. Contact: or Tel 020 7525 5471


Southwark’s draft Open Space Strategy was currently out for consultation.


-  Sets out a framework for open space provision in the borough

-  The open space strategy replaces work previously undertaken in 2003 and updates the work carried out in 2010

-  The document was an important part of the evidence base needed in the preparation of planning policy documents

-  Public consultation on the draft strategy would run until 24 April 2012 with the final strategy adopted in September 2012


The AAP would protect the additional open spaces identified through the strategy. New protected open spaces would include: Calypso Gardens, Jowett Street Park, Central Venture Park. A new site of importance for nature conservation identified was Surrey Canal Walk and Warwick Gardens.


In response to questions, Alison said that regarding cycling, there was a policy on active travel which would prioritise cycle routes linking key locations such as schools, town centres and train stations.


There was a 45 minute break during which workshops took place on the Area Action Plan and Open Spaces Strategy. Councillor Catherine McDonald departed during the break.


The chair thanked all those who had taken part in the workshops and ideas would all be fed into the process.


Two local young men, Sebastian and Cameron said their vision for Peckham was more friendly people, security and fun events.


The chair announced that one of the meeting co-ordinators, Nadine James would sadly be leaving Southwark for pastures new. The chair said she had been thrilled to work with Nadine over many years and admired her advice and calmness and thanked her for all her support.