Agenda item

Larcom Street Conservation Area


The conservation officer introduced the report. Councillors asked questions concerning the groups which would be consulted, and the boundaries of the consultation process. Councillors also asked questions about the boundaries of the conservation area itself, and flagged up concerns, which residents were likely to have about the new designation. 




1.  That the community council endorse the recommendations of the report.


2.  That the community council make the following comments regarding the report:


·  The Walworth Society should be contacted as part of the consultation

·  Officers should consider extending the boundary of the conservation area to include Walters Close and the Peabody Estate

·  Residents may have concerns about satellite dishes currently fixed to the front of the buildings, and newly installed double-glazed windows, in the designated area

·  The outcome of this consultation should also inform the Elephant and Castle SPD (supplementary planning document)

·  Areas around the conservation area should also be consulted, especially Walters Close and the Peabody Estate.


3.  That the community council asks officers to provide the following information to a future meeting:


·  Bodies and groups officers normally invite to take part in the consultation

·  How far outside the planned conservation area, officers normally consult.

Supporting documents: