Agenda item

Planning Policy

Information and workshops on the following three planning policy documents:

  • Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan
  • Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document
  • Open Spaces Strategy


Alison Squires, from planning policy, explained that the community council had been consulted on the Peckham and Nunhead Area Action plan over the past 2-3 years. The Area Action plan would set planning policies for the area for the next 15 years. Following consultation, a ‘preferred option’ of the plan had been drafted and Alison encouraged people to comment on the document. The plan covered policies relating to: employment and retail, housing, traffic and transport and parks and recreation.


Consultation on the document would run until 24 April 2012. Alison encouraged people to comment online, by post or via email.


Alison also added that a new Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document was being prepared which would be out for consultation soon. There was also an Open Spaces Strategy which was being consulted on. There would be public meetings on the Open Spaces Strategy on Saturday 17 March, 10.30am - 12.30pm at Southwark Council offices, 160 Tooley Street and Thursday 22 March, 6.00pm - 8.00pm, at Peckham Library.


The meeting then broke into workshops on the area action plan. Themes for the workshops were: housing, transport, design, open spaces and retail and employment.