Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.


A resident asked about clean up times for dog fouling which was previously 2 hours but is now 48.


Councillors explained that this may be related to required budget cuts. There was £18,000 of CGS revenue funding available for the community council to allocate councillors suggested that the feasibility of additional street cleaning be investigated by officers.


Action: Officers to investigate the feasibility of using the remaining £18,000 of Cleaner Greener Revenue funding for street cleaning


A resident raised issues with a new development which had been completed, complaining about noise and lack of notice of works.


Councillors advised that as the work had now been completed there was little that could be done and that in future residents should call the council’s planning department if they have issues with development as contractors are required to adhere to a code of conduct.


Residents asked about a potential hosepipe ban and how this information would be communicated to residents.


Councillors advised that as soon as the ban was confirmed information would be available on the council website (usually on the home page). Councillors also directed residents to another site ‘waterwise’ which also contained useful information.


A resident asked if parking in the multi-storey car park in Peckham could be free to encourage people to shop in the area.


Action: Councillors to raise with Cllr Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling.

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