Agenda item

Cleaner, Greener , Safer capital fund

Executive Function


To consider Cleaner, Greener, Safer  capital funding as set out in the report.


Executive Function


Members considered the information in the report, the chair explained that the money applied for by local groups and residents exceeded the amount of funding available. Councillors requested that the following schemes are prioritised for future years or through the community project bank: Lighting on the Pelican estate, lighting in Peckham Rye ward, footpath improvements at One Tree Hill and the tree stump in Peckham Rye ward.


Cllr Glover pointed out that in the past ‘Trees for Cities’ had match funded work in the area in the past and requested that project officers looked into this again.




That the cleaner, greener, safer capital funding be allocated as set out below:




Brayards estate caged area


Queens Road/ Pomeroy Street Estate: safer lighting and paving




T&RA hall in Buchan Road


Making monuments safer - Nunhead Cemetery


Spark Sport Centre in Brimmington Park


Daniels Rd Car park to Community Garden Conversion


Dayton Grove greening and planting schemes


Fencing and hedging St Mary's Community Centre


Historic outdoor gallery for Nunhead


Brockley Way zebra crossing


Nunhead Total




Peckham Rye


Indoor sport for all Brenchley Gardens TRA


Footpath through Brenchley Gardens


One Tree Hill Allotments Water Supply


Fencing & extension of children's fruit and vegetables garden in Peckham Rye Park


Table tennis at Peckham Rye Park


Jubilee beacon on One Tree Hill


Improve Stuart Road Allotments security fencing


Brockley Way zebra crossing


Rye Hill Park resurface car park between the three blocks: Trent / Frome / Welland


Peckham Rye total




The Lane


Improve the Parkstone Road/Bournemouth Close lighting


New wrought iron railings to the Peckham Mosque on Choumert Grove


Consort Estate Notice boards / maps/ signage / lighting


Heron House Tree Planting/landscape


Make the Parkstone Road / Bournemouth Close area nicer - new fencing, planters, painting bollards and improve entrance to Atwell Estate


All weather sports pitch improvements in Warwick Gardens


Choumert Grove car park greening


Planting and Greening at Habitat Close


The Lane total







Supporting documents: