Agenda item

Community Announcements

  • Peckham Settlement


  • Queens Road Peckham Station Improvements


The following community announcements were made.


Peckham Settlement – Annemarie from Peckham Settlement explained that they were running a ‘warmer homes’ programme for over 60s to keep warm and well. Free home assessments were offered  to check things like home insulation. The programme was meant to run until 31 March 2012 but was being extended by a couple of weeks to cover more homes.


Queens Road Peckham Station Improvements – Simon Phillips from the transport planning team explained that improvements were planned to the station which included: a new entrance at the west side of the station with a public square, new retail in the arches. Consultation was taking place on what people would like to see in terms of the new public space. Simon would be available to speak to people in the break and there would be people to speak to at the station as part of the consultation. The improvements were part of a wider renewal programme in the area.