Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account - Final Rent-Setting and Budget Report 2013/14

To approve an average rent increase of 4.85% in accordance with the Government’s required formula rent guidance to be applied to all housing revenue account (HRA) dwellings.


Feedback from consultation meetings including Tenants Council was circulated at the cabinet meeting.




1.  That an average rent increase of 4.85% in accordance with the government’s required formula rent guidance be applied to all housing revenue account (HRA) dwellings as set out in paragraphs 25 to 28 of the report.  This is equivalent to an increase of £4.46 per week on average for tenanted properties, with effect from 1 April 2013.  This percentage increase is also to be applied to estate void and hostel properties from 1 April 2013.  The average budgeted dwelling rent for 2013/14 will be £96.40 per week.


2.  That the ongoing consultation regarding the council’s letting policy, and the options put forward regarding setting rents for new-build and new-let tenancies at formula rent levels, and the budget implications of this (paragraphs 31 to 33) be noted.


3.  That tenant service charges be set at the same level as 2012/13 as laid out in paragraph 34 of the report with effect from 1 April 2013.


4.  That the standard charge for non-residential property (garages etc.) be set at the same level as 2012/13, as laid out in paragraphs 35 and 36 of the report with effect from 1 April 2013.


5.  That approval be given to a further standstill in heating and hot water charges for 2013/14 such that each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009/10 onward (as set out in paragraph 37 of the report).


6.  That the revised HRA budget for 2013/14 be noted (paragraph 17 refers, with details set out in Appendices G and H of the report).

Supporting documents: