Agenda item

8 Colnbrook Street, London SE1 6EZ

Full planning permission application


Planning application reference number 11-AP-2397


Report: See pages 32 to 49




Reducing part of garden level to lower ground floor level & construction of a new single storey rear extension comprising a new kitchen. New external steps from lower ground floor up to retained garden level. Complete refurbishment of the listed property including a new bathroom & cloakroom. Blocking up some existing openings & forming new openings to internal walls. Repair of existing sash windows where viable, & replacement windows to match existing elsewhere. Construction of a mansard roof extension.


The planning officer introduced the report. Councillors asked questions of the planning officer, and the design and conservation officer.


The spokesperson for the objectors spoke against the application. Members asked questions of the objectors’ spokesperson.


The applicant spoke in favour of the application. Members asked questions of the applicant.


There were no local supporters living within 100 metres of the site, and no ward

councillors wishing to speak.


Members discussed the application.




That planning application number 11-AP-2397 be granted planning permission, subject to the conditions set out in the report.



Councillors Adele Morris and Geoffrey Thornton asked for the fact that they had voted against the proposal to be shown in the minutes.


Councillor Adele Morris asked for it to be recorded that report should quote the relevent Southwark policies, and asked why officers had referred to the Draft National Planning Policy Framework(NPPF) in the report in several instances. 

Supporting documents: