Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the executive or chief executive


The Mayor offered the meeting’s condolences to the relatives of those who died in the Lakanal House fire in Camberwell and its best wishes to those still in hospital.


Councillors Nick Stanton, Kim Humphreys and Peter John each made a statement in respect of the fire at Lakanal House.


The Reverend David Wade, the Mayor’s spiritual adviser, said a few words on behalf of the multi-faith forum.


Thereafter a minutes silence was held for the six victims of the fire.


The Mayor went on to announce that a list of people who live or work in Southwark who had received an honour in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List 2009 had been circulated at the meeting.  The meeting offered its congratulations to all those who had received an honour.


The Mayor announced the death of Pat Topley, long term community activist, and extended the meeting’s condolences to her family and friends.


In response to a point of order from Councillor Paul Bates, the Mayor confirmed that a request to broadcast the meeting had been received but having consulted with senior officers, the Mayor had decided not to grant the request.


The executive member for community safety, Councillor Linda Manchester, read out her statement on ‘making knife crime history’, and congratulated the organisers of the campaign, pupils of the Globe Academy School, who were seated in the public gallery.