Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your written questions to the Constitutional Officer or Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.


The following question was submitted in writing during the meeting:


“While I welcome the redevelopment of Bermondsey, the White Cube Gallery, in what would appear to be an aesthetic or poor design issue, have agreed with officers to remove the cycle racks from the front of the gallery and have provided replacements to the side. Would members place a stay on this, get the coverings removed from the racks, until the Police have reported back from a position of ‘designing out crime’.”


Councillor Gettleson commented that he had only become aware of this issue that day, and said that it was questionable the bike racks were safer at the side of the building. He would look into this.


A question was raised about the proposed merger of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Councils, and whether this would make them less effective. Councillor Anood Al-Samerai responded that members of this community council agreed with this, and were opposed to the merger, and to taking local planning functions away from community councils. They were of the opinion that community councils were very important.


A question was raised about the recent planning committee which had decided on the London Bridge redevelopment, and the closure of certain streets as part of the scheme.


Councillor Gettleson explained that the scheme which was agreed was more beneficial than the one which had been suggested before the intervention of local members; and that members and residents would have to watch carefully that the money generated by the scheme was spent as agreed. Councillor Al-Samerai said that the assurances from Network Rail which councillors had managed to get were a real achievement, and that they had negotiated the best deal possible. 


ACTION: Chair to invite TfL to a future community council meeting to talk about proposed changes to traffic in the London Bridge area due to the refurbishment of London Bridge station.


A question was raised about the traffic congestion in Spa Road, where there were four new estates which created extra traffic flows, with large lorries parked on either side. 


Councillor Manchester responded that she had raised this issue with the department, and they had had to wait until the building work was finished to put in place traffic calming measures. A programmewas in place looking at the pedestrianisation of the arch, and she assumed that the traffic calming was part of these works. The meeting heard that rat running was also a major issue of concern in Spa Road.


Simon Hughes, MP asked that


  • The community council formally opposes the merger of the community council areas
  • The community council supports the proposed merger of Lewisham and Southwark Colleges, which would give financial security to Southwark College, and safeguard having a further education college in Bermondsey


He said he also wanted to congratulate all those involved who had put together the event around cycling safety at the Tate, and asked whether more such events could be put on.

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