Agenda item

Executive Functions 2012/13

Council assembly is asked to note the appointment by the leader of cabinet portfolio members and the leader’s report on the delegation of executive functions.


(See pages 1 - 4 of the main agenda)


There was one question to the leader, the written response to which was circulated on yellow  paper at the meeting.  A supplemental question was asked of the leader.  The questions and written responses are attached as Appendix 1 to the minutes.


The leader of the council, Councillor Peter John, reported on the following appointment of members of the cabinet and the determination and allocation of their functions:




Councillor Peter John – Leader of the council


Councillor Ian Wingfield - Deputy leader and cabinet member for housing management


Councillor Catherine McDonald - Health and adult social care


Councillor Barrie Hargrove - Transport, environment and recycling


Councillor Richard Livingstone - Finance, resources and community safety


Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle - Children’s services


Councillor Claire Hickson - Communities and economic development


Councillor Veronica Ward - Culture, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South)


Councillor Fiona Colley (currently on maternity leave)


Deputy Cabinet Members


Renata Hamvas – School admissions and families


The Right Rev Emmanuel Oyewole – Faith communities


Neil Coyle – Welfare.


In closing, the leader thanked Councillor Abdul Mohamed for his hard work over the year as cabinet member for equalities and community engagement.


A copy of the cabinet portfolios was circulated at the meeting.


The Mayor informed the meeting that as a consequence of the above announcement on the appointment of the cabinet the monitoring officer would update Part 3 of the constitution in accordance with the leader’s report on the delegation of executive functions.

Supporting documents: