Agenda item

To release section 106 monies to deliver £267,081 of regeneration projects from 10/AP/2016 (A/n 504) 65 Southwark Street and 09/AP/2320 (a/n 566) 20 Lavington Street also know as CitizenM Hotel.

Councillors to comment on the recommendations in the report.



Members considered the report.




1.  That the Borough and Bankside Community Council support the recommendations of the report, but ask that the process for identifying Section 106 projects be improved by:


·  Updating the project bank, which should be the principle source document for identifying potential Section 106 projects

·  Information about the impact of the development on the local area should be included in the report

·  A consistent approach in terms of what constitutes the affected area needs to be applied when suggesting potential projects


2.  That the following comments also be fed back to Planning Committee:


·  The Section 106 / project bank had gone adrift, and needed to be refreshed

·  That the views expressed by this Community Council should be accurately reflected in the report which was going to main planning committee.

Supporting documents: