Agenda item

Southwark's Budget for 2012/13

Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Community Safety to discuss the draft budget proposals


Councillor Richard Livingstone (Cabinet Member for finance, resources and community safety) explained that last year a three-year budget was set to take the council through a difficult period of savings due to central Government funding reductions. The second year of the budget for 2012/13 was set out on display boards and residents were invited to comment on the proposals. For example, the amount given by Government fell from £314million last year to £268million next year. Council tax revenue would increase slightly due to new properties being built in the borough.


There would be no additional cuts over and above those proposed in the three-year budget. Some money would be going back into adult social care. The Government had given some money for freezing council tax next year. The council would be introducing a Cleaner, Greener, Safer revenue fund in 2012/13. The draft budget was agreed in December and had been open to consultation since then. There were forms available and e-forms on the council website so that residents could feed their comments into the budget process. The Cabinet would welcome groups coming along to discuss the budget if a formal request was made. The final recommendations by Cabinet would be on 7 February and the Council Assembly would make a decision on the budget on 29 February 2012.


In response to questions, Councillor Livingstone said:


  • The cuts were hitting the voluntary sector badly and a transition fund had been set up last year. So far about £730,000 had been allocated to groups and about the same amount would be available for next year.


  • The 25% cut to the council budget would affect community councils. The Democracy Commission had looked at how they might be re-formed with those savings whilst continuing to do the same work.


  • £5.3million was coming out of reserves and put into this budget to address some of the issues and problems.