Agenda item

Update on Seven Island Leisure Centre / Southwark Park Running Track


Seven Island Leisure Centre

Adrian Whittle explained that in June 2011 as part of the capital programme, the council had allocated £8 million as part of the refurbishment of the leisure centre. That was due for 2013/14 and 2014/15 and there were currently no detailed plans. Extensive consultation with the community and key stakeholders would take place.


In response to questions, Adrian said he was not aware of any plans for a new swimming pool. The £8 million was for refurbishment and the centre would have to be closed for a time for that to take place. The consultation would probably start at the end of 2012 and there would be open meetings for ideas and subsequent meetings with drawings. Officers would consult widely and involve community councils and schools.


Southwark Park Running Track

Adrian Whittle explained that the Council was investing £1.5 million in the Southwark Park Sports Complex. The project would include reinstating the athletics track and astro pitch plus redecorating the pavilion. The project had secured £370,000 from the Southwark Olympic Legacy Fund and officers were looking at securing additional funding for the project including bids for the Mayor of London’s Facilities Fund, Sport England and the London Marathon Charitable Trust.


In response to questions, Tara Quinn (Leisure Contract & Facilities Manager) said that the timing of consultation would depend on when funding was secured and officers were working hard on the appropriate bids. If additional funding was not secured then residents would be consulted on using the funding already in place. The running track was key in securing funding as it was the only such facility in the borough. Some of the earlier work done by McAlpine on the track and gym could be used as part of the project.