Agenda item

What's Going on in Rotherhithe

Dr Amanda Squires


Dr Amanda Squires explained that there were many things going on in Rotherhithe but in the past there had been nothing to link facilities such as Brunel, Time and Talents, The Farm and Southwark Park. A group was formed to produce the Rotherhithe map (second edition circulated). The community council had funded several print runs of 9,000 or more. The popular document led to the map group expanding to form the What’s On in Rotherhithe Group. The group helped set up the SE16 website. Organisations were encouraged to advertise on the SE16 site to improve local links. There was also a community notice board for non-commercial purposes. The maps list the key local sites with a two line description and were available at Rotherhithe station, Brunel, The YHA, St Mary’s and the Mayflower. SE16 was also on Twitter with a lot of followers and different contributors.