Agenda item

Rotherhithe & Bermondsey Local History Society

Michael Daniels


Michael Daniels (Chair of Rotherhithe & Bermondsey Local History Society) explained that the society organised walks, tours and visits with a local history bias. Meetings were the last Wednesday of each month at the Time and Talents Centre. There was a very friendly atmosphere and the society was fortunate to regularly host high calibre speakers. In October the Governor of the Tower of London gave a talk. In the summer there had been walks around Wapping and the Limehouse Tower. In January there would be talks on Charles Dickens in London in advance of the author’s bicentenary. The society also had a twice yearly periodical ‘The Redriff Chronicle.’ Membership was less than £10 per year in part due to help from Rotherhithe Community Council and non-members were welcome to attend events.  See for further details.