Agenda item

Chair's Announcements

-  Southwark Association Civic Awards


-  Initial public questions


Civic Awards

Gary Magold, representing the Southwark Civic Association, explained that the Civic Association awarded honours on three different levels: letter of commendation, freedom of the old metropolitan boroughs and life-time achievement. There were also specialised “of the year” awards. This year the association also wanted to honour people who had shown acts of civic engagement or courage during or after the disturbances in August 2011 and to honour children doing amazing things in the borough. He encouraged all those in attendance to submit their nominations by 31 January 2012, either in paper form or electronically via the website.


Recycling / Waste-collections

Ian McGeough, from Veolia, informed the meeting about the new processing and recycling facility off Old Kent Road, which featured several main components. The centre itself which sorted and recycled the waste, the recycling discovery centre for children at Key Stage 2, and a permanent exhibition/meeting space, which community groups could use as a meeting place.  He reminded the meeting that the facility at Manor Place was now closed. In response to questions, Ian said the new plant was the first of its kind in Britain although Veolia ran several in mainland Europe. All of Veolia’s operations were governed by the Environment Agency.


Southwark Heat Network

David Gee, Energy Programme Manager, explained that the project was about taking heat wasted at the SELCHP plant near Millwall Football Club and using it to provide low carbon energy to heat about 3,000 homes in Southwark. Good progress was being made and the next stage would be to agree heads of terms in the next few months. The system would be operational in 2013. The good news was that a route had been identified that would avoid the need to go through Southwark Park.


Initial Public Questions

In response to a question about the overdue works on St Helena Road which had been allocated £60,000 last year, Franklin Uwakaneme (Public Realm Manager) said the improvements would be carried out in February 2012.