Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your written questions to the Constitutional Officer or Neighbourhood Co-ordinator


A resident asked about the road from Plough Way to Greenland Quay where there was some damage caused by tree roots. The managing agent had said there was a dispute over responsibility. Councillor Hubber said he would follow that up.


A resident asked for the item on Open Strategy scheduled for the April meeting 2012 to tie in with a recent Government Inspector’s report on population as more people would need more open space.


Councillor Livingstone said he would follow up on a request for actual crime statistics in the Surrey Docks area. He added that generally violent crime had fallen whilst acquisitive crime was on the rise. Councillor Hubber said that he understood there had been a rise in crime and more prevention advice was needed. The Surrey Docks Safer Neighourhoods Team would be asked to present at the next meeting.


In response to questions on how highway repairs were co-ordinated with different types of brick and tarmac, Franklin explained that usually if there were problems, tarmac was applied as a temporary measure with the appropriate material being used after that when possible.


A resident raised the proposed merger of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe community councils and doubted the interest of some items for most of those likely to attend which could lead to their demise. Others said the meetings had brought the community together and their good work was under threat from the merger plans.


There was a lengthy discussion about the proposed merger with Bermondsey. Several residents said that citizens of Southwark should have been invited to sit on the Democracy Commission. The chair said the proposed merger of community councils would be an item at the next Rotherhithe meeting.

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