Agenda item

Burgess Park update


The money won in the Mayor of London’s  ‘Help a London Park’ and from the Aylesbury NDC will not be sufficient to fully redevelop the park.  However, the £4 million of funding from the NDC now is fully secured, and will not have to be spent by March 2010.


  The project plan, now agreed with Southwark’s Chief Executive, has now been agreed: 

·  The OJEU Notice will be published on 11 June 2009, inviting interested parties to apply

·  The first stage evaluation will create a shortlist of 5  applicants to produce a sketch design by 28 July   2009

·  The second stage evaluation will choose the best design for the park, and will end in October 2009

·  Communications on the design will begin in October 2009

·  A lead consultant will be appointed in November 2009

·  Works will commence on site in August 2010, for approximately a year


Numerous opportunities exist for involvement in the process: there will be an e-letter, a Burgess Park website, a Facebook fan page, a Bidders day, a Spaceshaper Event, a Stakeholder meeting, opportunities to comment on the design.


  There will be a workshop for residents at the next Walworth Community Council meeting on July 14 2009.


  In response to a question from Councillor Pidgeon at the last meeting, the percentage spend on services of the total amount awarded is:  (1) Marketing 0.3%, 

(2)  Landscape architect 8%, 

(3)  Other consultants eg. quantity surveyors, engineers  6.4%, 

(4)  Procurement costs eg EXOR 0.4%, 

(5)  Project management 3%,

(6)  Construction costs and

(7) Contingency 1.9%. 

The total percentage of spending for services is 18.1%.