Agenda item



Planning application reference number 11-AP-2382


Report: See pages 14 of 34 of the agenda and the addendum report pages 1 to 5.




Change of use from retail shop (A1 use) to hot food takeaway (A5 use) including installation of an external duct to the flank elevation.


The community council heard an officer’s introduction to the report and members asked questions of the officer.


Members heard representations from an objector and the applicant’s agent.


There were no local supporters or ward members who wished to make

representations at the meeting.


Members debated the application and asked questions of the officers.




That in reference to application number11-AP-2382, be deferred on the following grounds:


1.  The specific waste disposal arrangements need to be clarified with regard to recycling and transport access.


1.  Secure by Design Officer with regard to crime mapping in the area.


2.  To establish from the applicant how the ‘fat trap’ would work so it is compliant with Core Strategy 13 ‘High Environmental Standards.


Members were advised by the Legal Officer that it was open to the applicant to appeal for non-determination following a deferral.