Agenda item

Grove Vale First and Second Stage Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Study


Paul Gellard, Transport and projects officer presented this item and outlined the following:


The CPZ consultation was funded through TfL and as part of the consultation Dulwich and Camberwell community councils considered the boundary and methods. 


The council sent consultation packs to key stakeholders and held exhibitions in November 2011.  Maps of roads affected and consulted by the CPZ were referred to in the agenda pack.  241 questionnaires were completed, the average response rate was 21% and nine petitions were submitted.  Officers derived at five options following the consultation which were detailed in the report.


A summary of those options included: 


  • Not to proceed with the installation of a CPZ in the Grove Vale area
  • Not to proceed with CPZ but carry out minor changes
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ on a experimental basis in Derwent Grove only
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ (experimental basis) in Derwent Grove, Elsie Road, Jarvis Road, Melbourne Grove, Oxonian Street, Tintagel Crescent and Zenoria Street
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ in Derwent Grove, Elsie Road and Tintagel Crescent


The officer stated that the community council are requested to provide comment before a key decision would be made by the cabinet member, Councillor Barrie Hargrove.  It was noted that Camberwell community council made a collective decision not to proceed with the introduction of a CPZ in Grove Vale.


Tim Walker, Senior Engineer responded to questions about commuter parking, information about the previous consultation which took place and the results of the current consultation and how officers came up with the options above.  Officers looked at the results at a road by road basis then came up with a modified scheme.


Following the officer’s presentation there was a lengthy debate and further comments about a number of issues which related to the company that undertook the survey.  They were able to monitor the number of vehicles and registered the details during the hours of 5.00am - 6.00am and 9.00 pm - 10.00pm.  The data collected were categorised as commuters, traders, residents and others.  The company witnessed a large number of parked vehicles that were supposedly owned by commuters.


A representative from Grove Vale Business Association mentioned that neighbouring borough Lambeth, recently introduced a CPZ in an area which affected local businesses the same would apply to Southwark if the CPZ went ahead.  The situation would be made worse with the increase in parking charges.


Another issue referred to the eighteen month time period for any experimental CPZ arrangements.  Tim explained that stakeholders would have an opportunity to consult again if necessary make a recommendation to consult wider.  Officers could carry out a de-clutter exercise that would involve reducing yellow lines along some roads and introduce short stay parking.


Concerns were also raised about those that work in the local hospital providing crucial services to the community.


Councillor Andy Simmons asked if the Goose Green Primary School which is located in the Grove vale area has a Green Travel Plan?  It mentioned the School did have a Travel Plan that has been in existence since July 2011.


The chair thanked the officers for their presentations and those that took part in the discussion.




That Dulwich community council recommend to the cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling, option 2, set out in the report which was not to proceed with the installation of a CPZ but carry out minor changes in the Grove Vale area.

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