Agenda item

Police and Wardens


Sergeants Daly, Brown and Croft:

  Sgt Croft responded to questions asked at the previous meeting:


  Successful stop & searches for knives – Councillor Seaton 

  There have been reductions in the number of crimes involving guns (down 25%) and knives (12%) in Southwark.  The police believe this is due to the high number of police stop & searches carried out.  There has also been a reduction in burglary (down 25%) and robbery (12.5% down), which also could have been affected by the stop and search policy.


  Parked minibus with disabled passengers – Mrs Norma Lawrence

  Norma reported that a minibus for the disabled had been seen parked in Rotherhithe, with the driver and attendant asleep, and the disabled passengers neglected.  The local Safer Neighbourhood Team sent an officer, but the minibus had left.  The SNT then contacted the charity that was responsible for the minibus, and the driver and attendant were identified.  Disciplinary proceedings were underway.


  Newington Ward Priorities: Anti-social behaviour in Pullens Buildings, Walworth Road, de Laune Street and Newington estate, together with street drinking in Walworth Road and de Laune Street.  Enforcement of the 20 mph speed limit.


  Attempts are being made with a number of agencies to provide activities for young people.  The SNT has visited old people on the Brandon estate, warning of bogus callers.  The Brandon library has been revamped, and is providing support and rewards to well behaved children.  The burglary rate has reduced.


  Faraday Ward priorities;  Street drinking, youth engagement and public safety in Burgess Park.


  The number of reported thefts from vehicles has reduced by 45%.  An exercise carried out under Operation Crunch (surely Gurgle) resulted in arrests for street drinking and seizure of alcohol.  Follow up patrols have also had successes, with more alcohol seizures and fixed penalty notices issues.  The SNT carried out a weapons sweep and found a knife under Operation Hawk.  There are daily patrols of Burgess Park.


  East Walworth priorities:  Anti-social behaviour and safe routes in Burgess Park, youth anti-social behaviour on Barlow and Congreve estates, anti-social behaviour and prostitution in Kinglake Street and anti-social behaviour in stairwells in Hemp Walk blocks.


.    The SNT held a successful community event in Burgess Park with the Karot bus, which will come to youth groups if invited.  A weapons sweep in Burgess Park turned up 2 flickknives.  An auto number plate recognition operation resulted in 5 uninsured vehicles being seized, of which only one was claimed by the father of the driver.  The Victory House youth club is now open; although it is associated with the church, it is open to all.  The next Ward Panel is in the Heygate TRA Hall on August 4 2009.


  The following questions were asked:

·  Carol asked if something could be done about cycling on the pavements, children could get knocked down or pedestrians could have their bags snatched.  An operation was carried out by the SNT and two bicycles had been seized; the police will continue to carry out random operations on pavement cyclists – please could residents tell their SNTs of locations, times and miscreants.

·  Councillor Seaton asked about youth activities at Victory House.  It appeared that the group meets on Friday night.

·  Mr Clark asked about cyclists ignoring the Highway Code, going the wrong way down one way streets, through red lights and riding bicycles against the traffic.  Unfortunately, although these actions are against the law,  it is impossible to deal with this unless the cyclists are caught in the act by the police.

·  A resident asked about an incident in Burgess Park near the tennis courts around 5 or 6pm, when youths grabbed a woman’s bag.  The resident was asked to talk to the SNT sergeant.