Agenda item

Southwark's Budget 2012/2013

Cabinet member to discuss the draft budget proposals.


The leader, Councillor Peter John introduced the item on the budget proposals for 2012 -2013.  As the powerpoint slides were quite detailed, Councillor John asked the audience to refer to the council's website for further details and urged people to make representations at the cabinet and council assembly meetings.  He mentioned that the budget report would also be considered by the overview and scrutiny committee.


Cllr John said careful consideration would be given to all council services.  During the recent 'Libraries Review' there was a recommendation to close some of the borough's libraries - the cabinet decided against this and announced in addition to that there would be two new libraries (new Canada Water Library and a proposed new Library in Grove Vale). 


A resident asked the leader a question about whether he could give some assurances to call for a new medical centre to be placed in the local area in order to replace the existing one.  The leader agreed to look into this proposal.


The chair thanked the leader for his presentation.