Agenda item

Safer Neighbourhoods Teams update

An update on community safety matters in the Dulwich Community Council area.



Sergeant Warran from College safer neighbourhood team submitted his apologies for this meeting but provided the following:


The College SNT ward priorities are:


  • Burglary dwelling, the SNT arrested three people for burglary and recovered two stolen motor vehicles.  As a result there has been a reduction of burglaries.


  • Distraction burglary and cold calling (unwanted phone calls), Sydenham Hill Estate.  The team carried out vulnerable victim visits and gave crime prevention advice.


  • Anti social behaviour on Ward Estates, the SNT continues to work with Southwark anti social behaviour unit on ongoing issues.


Sergeant Turnbull from East Dulwich safer neighbourhood team provided an update on policing issues and community safety matters.


He reported that a new Met Police commissioner for South East London has been appointed - Mr Bernard Hogan Howe and a new borough commander is now post – Charles Griggs who has served in the borough before.


Staffing: It was also reported that PC Bell would be covering Sgt Turnbull’s post whilst he covers the Olympics on secondment.    


Crime information


  • Burglary: Offences have been greatly reduced than in previous months.  A person was arrested for 28 burglary offences; goods were recovered and to returned to their rightful owners.


  • Opportunist burglary: Windows were left open and mortice locks left unlocked.


  • Motor vehicle theft: The theft of three motor vehicles and bikes were reported.


  • Stealing motor vehicle parts and stealing petrol: SNT have leafleted the area to make people aware and being proactive as the offences happen.


  • Anti social behaviour: Fire work season went without incident.  Focussed on Norwood Road night time economy.


  • Robbery: Significant lower than previous in East Dulwich and Village particularly as East Dulwich had the lowest reported crime since the last three years.


  • Traffic operation: The teams have launched a traffic based initiative – automatic number plate recognition to target those that have unpaid fines.  They would be stopped, car confiscated and used to recover the fines.


  • Hepworth Sculpture: High profile theft in Dulwich park – metal theft has been on the increase to the extent it now affects national infrastructure.