Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

·  Consultation on Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


·  Southwark Civic Awards


·  Bowel Cancer UK


·  Veolia Environmental Services


·  LINk Southwark Leadership Group announcement


The following information was provided at the meeting:


Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


The item would be considered at the next meeting.


Southwark Civic Awards


Nomination forms were available at the meeting.  Southwark have been hosting these awards since 1997 which is based on the work people do on a voluntary basis to help build their community.  It could include acts of bravery or preventing a crime from happening.  People were encouraged to nominate someone who they think deserved a civic award as a way of acknowledging the hard work they do.  The deadline date for nominations was on  31 January 2012.


Bowel Cancer UK


Information stall was available at the meeting.


Veolia Environmental Services


Information stall was available at the meeting and officers were available at the break to discuss the new waste management facility at the Old Kent Road which has replaced Manor Place depot that is now closed.  Ian McGeough from Veolia was present at the break to provide handouts and talked about the long term contract between Veolia and Southwark Council to reduce waste and help with recycling in the borough.