Agenda item


Members to consider the deputation requests which are contained within the report.


Dulwich Community Council considered the following deputation requests which related to item 8 on the agenda, Grove Vale First and Second Stage Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Study:


South Southwark Business Association (SSBA)


The South Southwark Business Association (SSBA) explained that opposed the proposed CPZ in Grove Vale because it would have a detrimental effect in the area.


The spokesperson mentioned that the association would like to see the area flourish  because it has a number of traditional shops which have somewhat been affected by

the Sainsbury’s supermarket.


Other independent traders have travelled to East Dulwich because they want to replicate the same elsewhere.  The spokesperson also made reference to various articles on the website about ‘Save our British High Street’.  He urged the community council to relax the parking restrictions as it would kill small businesses and have a negative impact on the local community.  The community council were asked to note the concerns of local traders taking in to account the other challenges the council has to face.


Zenoria Street Residents


The spokesperson said residents in this street were against the proposed option for the CPZ because Zenoria Street is a small residential street, directly off the north end of Lordship Lane.  It has suffered enormously from all kinds of parking; short, medium, long term and commuter parking which also includes the weekends. The CPZ proposal would have no effect as the neighbouring roads had the same problem with parking.  Residents would end up paying for the privilege of not being able to park in their street, which is something they could currently do for free.  The issue is made worse by a nearby minicab firm whose cars are parked waiting that causes further congestion in the area. 


The spokesperson stated that Zenoria Street was in desperate need of an effective solution to parking and the congestion problems it suffers and the only CPZ scheme that would  work is an all day restriction that includes the weekends.  In the absence of this then no restrictions would be better than the limited one hour a day.  The residents asked the community council to support the residents and reject option 4 which was outlined in the report.


In response to questions the spokesperson explained that parking Monday to Friday could damage businesses and have a detrimental effect on residents.  Initially the scheme was supported by residents but then realised it would not address the problem.  Residents would see no point of paying £125 a year with no where to park their vehicle.


Glengarry, Trossachs, Tarbert and Thorncombe residents


The spokesperson representing residents of Glengarry, Trossachs, Tarbert and Thorncombe Roads urged the community council to support the majority of local people and reject the proposal for a CPZ as it would not deliver the solution concerning the problem with commuter parking.  It creates another problem with  displacement of vehicles from one road to another. He explained that no analysis had been done to substantiate that there was a problem with commuter parking in the Grove Vale area.


He asked the community council to accept the clear majority’s view not to have controlled parking in their area.  The spokesperson also referred to local petitions and quoted statistics on the matter which confirmed a large percentage of those who were not in favour of the CPZ proposal.  Therefore the percentage of those clearly outweighed those that support and that their views should be respected.


Derwent Grove residents


The deputation spokesperson stated that many of Derwent Grove residents have voted in favour of CPZ as it was the only solution they have at present to avoid many commuters parking on their street particularly those that use it as the East Dulwich Railway car park.  The speaker said as a resident who had lived on Derwent Grove for 10 years it prevents those from visiting or traders and builders from carrying out their work as a result of the commuter parking.  The speaker explained that Derwent Grove residents would support a scheme that is a reasonable and effective with restrictive parking for one or maximum of two hours a day.


Elsie Road residents:


The deputation spokesperson explained that 22 out of 42 households objected the CPZ proposal and signed a petition on the subject matter.  She urged the community council to see their point of view to reject options 1 and 2 set out in the officer’s report and support the local community .  At the moment parking is bearable but with two over developments in the area already the CPZ would not solve the problem.


The chair thanked everyone for their deputation presentations.




Supporting documents: