Agenda item

Community Safety Update

Safer Neighbourhood Teams


PC Osborne from Cathedrals Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) fed back on the latest activities and priorities of his team:



·  Operation Reach aimed at crime around homelessness / rough sleepers

·  Increased anti-robbery activities

·  Operation Hawk  – combined days of actions around certain types of crime with other police forces

·  Operations designed to get uninsured vehicles off the road and arrest people involved in crime

·  Operation Big Wing – aimed at arresting of people with warrants out for their arrest over Christmas

·  Rough sleepers / street drinking on Blackfriars Road

·  Anti-drug action and operations around anti-social behaviour


Responding to questions from the floor, PC Osborne explained that whether or not people had been detained, and when they had been arrested as part of operation Big Wing, had depended on the circumstances of the individual cases. The presence of children had been a part of this. In terms of knives, the police had increased their patrols, due to the long winter nights. PC Osborne also confirmed that Operation Reach was ongoing.


The next ward panel meeting for Cathedrals SNT would be on 7 Feb 2012 7pm at Southwark Police Station.


In terms of Chaucer ward their priorities and actions were:


·  Rough sleeping

·  Begging on Borough High Street

·  Drugs and Anti-social behaviour

·  Burglaries on the Tabard estate


Inspector Richard Barton who was responsible for all SNTs in Southwark introduced himself.


The chair thanked both for attending.