Agenda item

Theme - employment

  • Peckham Shed
  • Presentation from Karen Rudy, Peckham Job Centre Plus Adviser Team Manger
  • Thomas Mason – Southwark’s young apprentice scheme
  • Job Fair feedback


The chair thanked all the organisations and people that had attended that day’s job fair at Tuke School and for making it a success.


Karen Ruby, Peckham Job Centre Plus Adviser, explained that her role was to manage a team of advisers for 16 to 24-year-olds. The team of advisers were working towards the youth contract which would come into being in April 2012. There would be bespoke training to help young people get into a particular sector and gain work experience with a guaranteed job interview at the end of it. There would also be waged apprenticeships.


Ann Cochrane, Apprenticeship Programme Manager, outlined the apprentice scheme at Southwark Council that had 38 new places starting in September 2012. The scheme was expanding and working with a wide range of contractors. The apprentices were successful, many had gone on to do degrees and were employed at the council. Contact: or Tel. 020 7525 1490


Peckham Shed performed a play about employment opportunities and the approach and concerns of young people. The performance was based on workshops they had undertaken with young people earlier in the day.


Marian Farrugia, Neighbourhood Co-ordinator, said that the job fair had been very popular and included organisations such as Kings College Hospital, Veolia and contractors at the Shard. There would be more detailed feedback at the April meeting.