Agenda item

Veolia - Recycling

Ian McGeough, Veolia Environmental Services, update on the new waste facility off the Old Kent Road


Ian McGeough, from Veolia, spoke about the new waste management facility off the Old Kent Road. The facility was part of a 25 year plan for waste infrastructure in the borough, waste would be dealt with and sorted ‘in house’ rather than out of the borough. In response to a question from the floor on when the decision had been taken and the consultation process Ian explained that there was a lengthy consultation as part of the pre-planning application process.


Ian took further questions from the floor relating to what would be incinerated and where, the break clauses in the contract between the council and veolia, redundancies, contact details and food waste recycling.


In response Ian explained that ultimately some waste would be incinerated but that the facility allowed more rubbish to be processed and that more would be recycled. There were a number of targets which Veolia were obligated to deliver and that they were accountable to the council. There may be redundancies at Veolia and they were subject to budget cuts as other areas in the council. The contact number to arrange bulky waste collection was: 020 7525 2000 and food wood was recycled into soil/compost.