Agenda item

Grove Vale First and Second Stage Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Study

To comment on the CPZ proposals.


Paul Gellard from Environment and Leisure introduced this item and outlined the following:


The CPZ consultation was funded through TfL and as part of the consultation Dulwich and Camberwell community councils considered the boundary and methods. 


The council sent consultation packs to key stakeholders and held exhibitions in November 2011.  Maps of roads affected and consulted by the CPZ were referred to in the agenda pack.  241 questionnaires were completed, the average response rate was 21% and nine petitions were submitted.  Officers derived at five options following the consultation which were detailed in the report.


A summary of those options included:


  • Not to proceed with the installation of a CPZ in the Grove Vale area
  • Not to proceed with CPZ but carry out minor changes
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ on a experimental basis in Derwent Grove only
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ (experimental basis) in Derwent Grove, Elsie Road, Jarvis Road, Melbourne Grove, Oxonian Street, Tintagel Crescent and Zenoria Street
  • Introduce a one hour CPZ in Derwent Grove, Elsie Road and Tintagel


The officers present responded to questions about commuter parking, information about the previous consultation which took place and the results of the current consultation and how officers came up with the options above.  Tim Walker stated that officers looked at the results at a road by road basis then came up with a modified scheme.


The chair thanked the officers for their presentations.




That members agreed to option 1 as set out in the report which was not to proceed with the installation of a CPZ in the Grove Vale area.


Supporting documents: