Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

Representatives from the following groups to give an announcement or short presentation.


  • Adult Social Care Campaign – launch of the new section of the adult social care web pages – signpost support


  • Southwark Civic Awards


  • Feedback on consultation, Camberwell Town Centre


  • Veolia Environmental Services – to talk about the opening of the new Waste Management Facility, Old Kent Road, closure of Manor Place depot and feedback on rollout services


LINk Southwark Leadership Group Announcement


Sec-Chan Hoong, from Southwark LINk announced that LINk Southwark were looking for interested individuals and parties to become part of their Leadership Group who would develop LINk Southwark activities and work plan, as well as oversee its transition into local HealthWatch (subject to the passing of the Health and Social Care Bill). 


Background: LINk Southwark is a local involvement network made up of local organisations and Southwark residents to improve health and social care services.

LINk Southwark was provided with statutory powers from the Secretary of State for health in order to allow LINk to perform its functions and activities effectively.  Each local authority has to ensure that there is adequately performing LINk in the borough.


Forms and information leaflets were available at the meeting.  Deadline for application statements were on 27 January 2012.


Adult Social Care Campaign – ‘My support choices’ website


James McConnell from adult and social care services introduced the launch of a section of the adult and social care website called ‘my support choices’ which was designed to explore and provide new information about the services they offer.  This would be updated regularly and further information added to ensure people are able to find the support that is available to them. It would help volunteers and those who need short term support for people coming out of hospital.  James explained that they are trying to make the website as accessible as possible and allow people to overcome their apprehension about using the website.  There are to be dedicated support sessions, free access to the internet.  Leaflets were provided at the meeting so people could submit their views.


In response to questions about accessible facilities available for those with learning disabilities, James said there was a lot of information about easy read which are designated sessions for those with learning disabilities and those that are unable to read or write.


Camberwell Town Centre


Jack Ricketts from planning and transport presented “Revitalise Camberwell” which was a follow on from the Town Centre consultation launch that took place at the community council meeting on 31 October 2011.  Jack explained during his presentation that it was about identifying community aspirations.  Since the launch there have been ten public events attended by Youth community council, two walkabouts, attended youth clubs, held a successful quiz night.  The Camberwell Arts college ran two surveys “business and public” whereby three quarters of those that took part were from the SE5 area.


Public Survey 


The overall impression and priorities for Camberwell is:


  • Traffic congestion
  • The priority areas are Camberwell Church Street and Camberwell New Road which received a large response


Business Survey


  • Lack of and problems with parking in Camberwell


The officer stated that the Council are looking to address these issues.


Next steps


  • Data collection work as a result of the consultation and design options


The officer concluded that further information could be found on the Southwark website under planning policy.


Veolia Environmental Services


Sharon Ellis from Veolia was present to talk about the opening of the new waste management facility along the Old Kent Road which has replaced the manor Place depot that is now closed.  During her presentation Sharon  provided handouts and talked about the long term contract between Veolia and Southwark Council to reduce waste and help with recycling in the borough. 


Sharon responded to questions about the mechanical biological treatment, recycling  metal and plastics and information about what job opportunities were available for young people and  disabled people at the centre. 


Sharon explained there were job opportunities for people from all backgrounds at Veolia.  At a recent job fair event organised by Veolia ES, a survey was conducted whereby they were able to establish the number of young people and people with learning disabilities that attended the event.


Southwark Civic Awards


Councillor Ian Wingfield presented information about the Southwark Civic Wards.  He stated that there is a lot to be proud of as Southwark residents, its rich cultural history, famous poets and writers like Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare. Historic places like the Imperial War Museum and Dulwich Picture Gallery etc. 


Southwark have been hosting these awards since 1997 which is based on the work people do on a voluntary basis to help build their community.  This includes acts of bravery or preventing a crime from happening.  People were encouraged to nominate someone who they think deserved a civic award which would be a way of acknowledging the hard work people actually do. 


This would exclude elected members of the Council.  It has to be a person that represents a non political organisation. The deadline date for nominations were on  31 January 2012.


Council Assembly


The council assembly meeting that took place on 25 January 2012 was announced at the meeting. People were encouraged to attend the informal session at 6.00pm and the main meeting that had a environment theme.


The chair thanked the speakers for their presentations.