Agenda item

Deputations and Petitions


The chair agreed to accept a late deputation from residents of Oglander Road.


The chair announced that the order of agenda items would be varied and considered in the following order: Item 8, Grove Vale first and second stage CPZ study and item 12 on the agenda.


Camberwell Community Council considered a deputation request from a local residents of Oglander Road which is adjacent to Ondine Road in South Camberwell ward.


The deputation expressed their concerns about the proposed controlled parking zone in Grove Vale.  The spokesperson for the deputation outlined they wrote to Councillor Peter John about this issue and in response Councillor John wrote back to say if the objections outweighed support, then the CPZ would not happen.  


The deputation also took into account the results of the consultation exercise which indicated the number of respondents who took part in the survey from across both wards a small minority were in favour of the introduction of a CPZ in their street.


Out of the total number of respondents (438) in South Camberwell ward only 6% responded in favour  and majority of 70% were against a CPZ on their street.


The spokesperson made reference to the results of the 9 local petitions that were listed in the consultation report (with 1855 signatories), 98% recorded against the CPZ with only 2% in favour.  The officer’s recommendations in the report proposed some sort of modified CPZ in between specific roads, whereas the consultation that took place with local residents was about the introduction of a CPZ for the area as a whole.


The residents of Oglander Road urged the community council to vote against  the introduction of any form of CPZ and be assured by the fact if objections outweigh support then the CPZ would not happen.


In response to questions, Councillor John stated that he would stand by what he said in that if the majority were not in favour then it would not take place.  Parking control should be for the will of the people and if the majority are not in favour this should be taken into account.  However the council should still explore the possibility of some sort of control parking.


A resident of Oglander Road mentioned that one house was excluded from the consultation when the consultation was about the whole area.


The chair thanked representatives of the deputation for attending the meeting.