Agenda item

Children and Young People Plan (CYPP) with Southwark Youth Council and Speakerbox


5.1  Kerry Crichlow, assistant director for strategy and support, introduced the plan. She explained that there had been extensive consultation work with young people in the plans development, and the plan outlines young people priorities. The assistant director noted that one of the accomplishments,  set out in the progress report,  is the improvement in attainment at school, but the council still want to improve the attainment at school of care leavers, in particular.


5.2   The assistant director went on to say that the council now need to decommission and will be using the plan to do this, while continuing to consult with young people.


5.3  The chair invited comments from the young people by asking if representatives from Southwark Youth Council (SYC) thought the plan related to them . A representative commented that SYC agree with the principles and believe if the council deliver on the plan it will make a big difference. Representatives went on to comment that they collectively looked through the plan,  and the report on progress,  and SYC like the way the council is  looking at the achievements. SYC reported that they also like that the council  are reporting on age categories and what still needs to be done in.


5.4  Members asked the SYC for any suggestions for delivering on the plan and a representative suggested that one way to prevent crime is to ensure young people are occupied so that they are too busy to engage in mischief . A member asked if this could be achieved through more investment in sport. Representatives agreed and noted that locally Southwark and London have lots of stars. Sports people with a national profile can help draw young people into sport and encourage them to be active.


5.5  The chair spoke about the reduction in funds available and the increased importance for more community involvement, via community councils and SYC, in youth provision. He went on to comment on the need to use all funds more wisely as there is less money around. In the Rotherhithe area there is a very good youth club in a run down building and the Community Council  are looking at more than one youth provider being co-located in one building so we make better use of resources.



5.6  SYC representatives went on to highlight the need for more employment opportunities so that people can earn money legally. A representative noted that he is out of work and has made scores of applications but there is nothing available. Representatives went on to emphasis the importance of transition support from school and collage to work.   They noted that work experience is needed at key stage four and support is needed.  Young people are finding it difficult to get work placements even when they are well  qualified and skilled.



5.7  A member affirmed the importance of work based training. He commented that he studied at collage while working. He went on to say, however, that he viewed the recent work placements offered by the government as exploitation and he thought they should be stopped. Instead he advocated partnership and training   between small business and schools and collages.


5.8   A SYC representative suggested training in collage for a few days and then a few days in employment would allow young people to get their foot in the door and gain work experience. There was a comment that even people going to university are not getting employment as they have no experience.  Representatives suggested that the Public Sector give placements, for example local government could give placements to people in collage. A member noted that there are good opportunities in hospital radio to gain skills.


5.9  The chair asked SYC representative if they have any further comments they would like to make. Representatives said that they would like the council to come and visit SYC to discuss how they intend to devolve more decision making power to young people. Representatives commented that they would like to continue this link with scrutiny and to refer issues to scrutiny. The chair advised the SYC that the cabinet member is the best person to address if there is anything in the plan that they think should be in there. He went on to explain that the cabinet member is accountable for the plan; scrutiny has an influencing and advisory role. Officers advised that they can facilitate the cabinet member visiting SYC. It was agreed that quarterly joint scrutiny of the plan is useful.


5.1  The young people announced that they will soon be holding the SYC elections. The chair wished representatives well and the committee thanked the young people for attending.



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