Agenda item

Foresters Arms, 25 - 27 Lordship Lane, London SE22 8EW


At this point Councillor James Barber sat in the public gallery and did not take part in the debate or decision.


Planning application reference number 11-AP-2973




Display of a non-illuminated sign at first and second floor level (measuring 10m wide by 7m high) on the south and west elevation for a temporary period during refurbishment works.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated site plans.


The officer drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained a late objection that was circulated at the meeting.


Members asked questions of the planning officer. 


There were no objectors present at the meeting.


Neither the applicant nor the applicant’s agent were present at the meeting.


There were no local supporters present at the meeting.


Councillor James Barber in his capacity as ward member addressed the meeting and spoke against the application and left the room thereafter.


Members discussed the application.




That advertisement consent for planning application 11-AP-2973 be refused on the following grounds:


1.  The proposed appearance, scale, height and location that would result in it being out of place and an obtrusive element within the street scene.  It would also have a materially harmful effect on the visual amenity of the area. 


2.  The display of the proposed non-illuminated sign would also have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity and character of the area which complies with the relevant policies under the Southwark Plan 2007, Core Strategy.

Supporting documents: