Agenda item

Flood Risk Management Strategy

John Kissi, Flood Risk Manager


Presentation on the strategy and how you can get involved.


John Kissi, Flood Risk Manager, explained that Southwark had been effected by flooding between 2004-2007, particularly Herne Hill. Due to new legislation local authorities are now responsible for managing a flood risk. As a result the council is developing a surface water management plan and was asking for residents help. The council was conducting detailed investigations to identify areas at risk of flooding and were seeking local knowledge. John encouraged people to contact him if they wanted to get involved. He explained that the strategy had two dimensions: there would be capital investment to reduce the risk of flooding but also measures to reduce the impact when flooding did occur.


A resident asked about flood modelling and whether there was information available online. John explained that some mapping had been developed but it did not factor in what structures where in existence, so it showed where water might collect but did take into account that it might create problems elsewhere – e.g. if buildings pushed water to other sites. He invited people to come and see the modelling at the council offices and explained he was keen to learn from local people in order to update the map.