Agenda item

Community Announcements

  • Bowel Cancer UK


  • Southwark Apprenticeships


  • Community Council Fund Launch


  • Peckham Power


Bowel Cancer UK – Claire Stephenson explained that the charity had been running for 25 years and aimed to raise awareness of bowel cancer and provide support. Bowel cancer was the third most common cancers in the UK, but one of the most treatable if diagnosed at an early stage. Claire advised people to visit their GP if they had any symptoms. The chances of developing bowel cancer could be reduced by a healthy and active lifestyle. There was a screening programme for people aged between 60-69, Claire encouraged anyone who received a screening pack to use the testing kit.


Apprenticeship programme – Ann Cochrane from the council’s organisational development team informed the meeting about the council’s apprenticeship programme which had been running since 2006. The deadline for applications this year was 1 May 2012 and applications could be completed online. There were different types of jobs available from: engineering, plumbing to community liaison roles. The council were encouraging their partners/contractors to take part in the scheme. 168 people had completed the programme since it began.


Community Council Fund – Marian Farrugia explained that the community council fund had now been launched for 2012/13. Local people and groups could apply for grants from £100-£1,000 for community events. The fund would be assessed against Olympic themes, and applications had to meet at least 3 of those. The deadline for applications was 25 May 2012, new and emerging community groups were encouraged to apply. Groups had to be properly constituted to be successful – if people were not part of such a group Marian encouraged them to get in touch as she could help individuals find organisations who could deliver the events they wanted.


Local Theatre – the Royal Court Theatre would be putting on two plays in Peckham over the summer at the Bussey Building: Vera Vera and Belong.


Peckham Power – Lesley explained that Peckham Power had been awarded funding from the national lottery for a feasibility study for sustainable projects in Peckham. Peckham Power aimed to: reduce gas and electricity bills, help repair and reuse items, develop new types of jobs locally and to help people grow their own food. Lesley asked people to complete the questionnaire to help them understand what were important issues for people in terms of sustainability.


Safer Neighbourhoods Team – Linda advised that there would be changes to local policing structures with the introduction of local policing teams but she did not have any more information at that time. She encouraged people to report any suspicious behaviour in terms of metal theft as things like man hole covers were being stolen.