Agenda item

Deputations/Petitions (if any)

Peckham multi-storey car park – free parking trial


The chair advised there were no deputations but one petition which requested a month trial of free parking at the Peckham multi-storey car park.


The chair invited the lead petitioner to address the community council. The lead petitioner informed the meeting that 1,200 signatures had been collected which supported the trial. She stated that the car park needed to be brought back to life to increase footfall for the shops and cinema. It was also raised that there was a lack of signage into the car park and people did not know it was there as a result. The petitioners requested a one month trial of free parking to encourage use.


Members discussed the petition and the presentation. It was noted that the car park was underused and that the signage was inadequate. Councillors supported a free trial on the basis that it was properly monitored to ascertain if any increased parking was having a positive effect on shopping in the area. Councillors also suggested that the retailers apply to the Community Restoration Fund to cover the costs of the trial. Residents were advised that the deadline for applications was 11 May 2012.


Cllr Glover suggested that the community council take a vote on supporting the trial and an application to the fund which local councillors would assist the retailers in doing.




That the community council support the one month free parking trial at Peckham multi-storey car park and that Lane ward members assist the retailers in making an application to the Community Restoration Fund to cover the costs of any trial.


Supporting documents: