Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.



The meeting heard that those residents who had been issued with an “AD” badge by Southwark Council to prevent their blue badge being stolen, had to take care when trying to park on TfL-controlled routes, as TfL did not accept the “AD” badge.


ACTION: Chair to invite TfL to the next meeting to present give feedback on accepting Southwark’s “AD” badges on red routes.


A request was made to hold another consultation event about the Elephant and Castle development for the Latin American community, with translators on hand, should be made.


The chair asked for Soundings who were charged with conducting consultations for LendLease to contact Latin American community groups.


The following public questions were submitted in writing:


  1. “Can we have a plaque to honour, Princess Diana in front of St Matthews’s Church at the Elephant and Castle, because next year will be the 20th anniversary of her visit to Southwark?”


  1. “Did you have a meeting on Southwark burial or is it to come?”


  1. “We as a tenant and resident association are being asked to change our constitution by the council: 1. We have a clause that a general meeting may be called, if and when needed, 2. The council ask for a change to 4 general meetings a year, 3. What happens if at our AGM the members vote against this?”


  1. “In light of the increase in trend of the practice of skin lightening/bleaching. What are the council going to do to ensure that the availability of these poisons are stopped: financial implications, prosecutions and education.”


  1. “Will the council take steps to improve the safety of Mina Road? It has become a ‘rat-race’ for cars and vans who want to by-pass the traffic lights at the Albany Road/Old Kent Road intersection. The 20 mph limit is ignored. They push through three lanes of traffic to get across to Dunton Road, causing traffic jams and road rage incidents. I am waiting for an inevitable fatal accident on Mina Road. There were proposals to make Mina Road a dead-end at the Old Kent Road. What happened to this?”


  1. “The signs on the hoardings enclosing the Heygate Estate state clearly: 'THIS REGENERATION SITE HAS 24 HOUR LIVE SECURITY PATROLS'.  The police approached residents of Garland Court on the evening of 31 December 2011, looking for witnesses to an incident by the estate.  Has the Community Council been informed about this event?” 


  1. “Are the Community Council also aware of the case of serious assault that occurred on Wansey Street at around 11.00pm on 18 August 2011?”


  1.  Is security for the Estate provided by the Council or by the regeneration firm LendLease?


  1.  Residents of Garland Court have not noticed any visible signs of security, or the presence of security on the Heygate site for over a year.  How often do these take place?  


Supporting documents: