Agenda item

Local Parking Amendments and Car Club expansion

Executive Function


Members to consider local parking schemes and expansion of the car club contained within the report.


Executive Function




1.  That the following local parking amendments, detailed in the appendices to the report, be approved for implementation subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory procedures:


·  Colby Road – installation of an ‘At any time’ waiting restriction (double yellow lines).


·  Cyrena Road – relocation of an existing car club bay from the east side of the road to the west side of the road.


2.  That the item on the car club expansion be deferred.  This is to allow for further information to be received on the proposed car club locations, particularly with regard to the consultation process that would take place with local residents and ward members.


3.  That the local parking schemes for Dulwich Wood Avenue and Stradella Road be deferred for further clarification on the schemes.


Supporting documents: