Agenda item

Home Improvement Agency

Information on financial and practical assistance available to vulnerable elderly homeowners.


Julie Scott, from housing services, explained that the home improvement agency had been set up a few years ago to help elderly and disabled private tenants stay in their homes longer. She explained that the service was different to that of the housing adaptations team. Grants were available to private tenants and home owners for things like renovations and disabled facilities. Grants were means tested so people with high savings or pensions may have to contribute towards some of the works.


Julie gave some examples of some of the works which had been completed which included installing a ground floor bathroom for one resident.


The home improvement agency also offered advice to residents on income maximisation, Julie had helped one resident claim £9,000 in backdated incapacity benefit which they should have been receiving. Julie explained that the agency was having a big impact: 108 housing adaptations were completed last year and small things like installing a stair lift in people’s home could have a big impact on their quality of life. The work completed could help people stay in their homes longer and save money as it can cost at least £650 a week from someone to live in a care home.


Cllr Soanes encouraged residents to tell others about the grants available.