Agenda item

The Launch of the Camberwell Town Centre consultation

The Camberwell Town Centre consultation is about the transformational change to the street environment.


This part of the meeting will focus on what people want to see in the Town Centre.  It will include; a brief history of Camberwell, an interactive session and discussion about the programme of events.




Sally Crew from the planning policy team presented this item and explained that this was the initial consultation phase concerning plans for a Camberwell Town centre.


A short video was shown in which a number of local residents spoke about what they liked about Camberwell.


The comments were good shops, restaurants, the area has a ‘buzz’ feel, very arty, generally you could walk anywhere people knew each other.


Another question was if you could change one thing about Camberwell what would it be?


These were some of the responses from those that took part:


  • Local park
  • Creating more bike lanes
  • More and improved pedestrian crossings
  • More facilities and activities for young people
  • People being more responsible for their street litter   .


The video captured people’s ideas and their aspirations, Sally explained that she was personally excited about this project as she had worked on the scheme for a number of years. Also as this project involved a £7 million budget there would be a long process of discussion and the first stage of the consultation would run up until the end of 2011 and 2012.


Stages of the consultation


·  The transport model and the various options would be in June or July 2012.


·  In late 2012, the selected options would be put together and the scheme delivered in 2014.


People were encouraged to get in contact with officers in the planning and policy team about information on the public consultation events.


Sally Crew announced that as part of the consultation there would be a forthcoming event at the St Giles Centre.  She asked people to indicate on the maps provided to say what they would like to see in Camberwell. 


During this part of the meeting, Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle hosted a quiz which involved a range of questions about famous people and local history of the Camberwell area.


Officers agreed to bring back the results of the consultation at the community council meeting in January 2012.


The chair thanked officers and those who participated in this part of the meeting.