Agenda item

Rotherhithe free school update


10.1  Sam Fowler, Schools for the Future project director, went through the report.  He explained that two schools have now reached the next stage; Compass and University Technical College (UTC). He reported that on 10 October 2011 the DfE advised that a 700 place UTC for 14-19 year olds based at Southwark College’s Bermondsey site will proceed to the next stage.


10.2  A member asked about how much the council knew and the officer explained they were aware of the proposal, but not the detail. A member asked what are the councils duties in respect of free schools and the officer said the council needed to engage with a proposed free school; put our views through and consider its impact on people and place.


10.3  Members are asked if we will supply free school meals and what our obligations are. The officer responded that clarification on these issues is being sought.


10.4  A member commented that shcools need information as soon as possible to enable them to plan ahead, and asked about information timescales. The officer responded that Southwark had made an application to provide a school, but the funding situation remained unclear.  The council had continued to make representations and seek clarification but this was not forthcoming. He went on to say that the council’s first notification received was that these two free schools would be developed. The officer explained that while the funding has now become available, it is not accessible to the council.  Prior to this announcement local discussions had considered the possibility of popular local schools expanding to provide more places. There was a comment about the site in Bermondsey and if that might be problem.




The officer will update members on development at the next meeting on 28 November


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