Agenda item


The Chair to advise on deputations or petitions.


Deputation request: School Crossing Patrol in Dulwich Village


Dulwich Community Council considered a deputation request from local residents and parents concerning the current proposals to remove funding of the school crossing patrols in Dulwich Village in the next financial year. 


They voiced their concerns about the council's proposal to withdraw funding for school crossing patrols in and around Red Post Hill, East Dulwich Grove and Townley Road.


The spokesperson for the deputation, outlined that road safety was of paramount importance and should be the responsibility of the council.  Local residents had grave concerns about the council's proposal to withdraw this funding and had asked if the council could consider securing £15,000 for the next 3 years to fund the patrol guards in Dulwich.  They would also like to see this process to be as open and engaging as possible when considering any future funding. 


In response to questions addressed to the spokersperson the following was highlighted:


  • Educating children about road safety awareness and promoting children’s health.


  • Risk of potential accidents when cars ignore the pedestrian traffic signals when they change at the time cars are meant to stop and people cross the road. 


  • The increased number of cyclists also makes the area a danger for pedestrians.


  • Traffic calming measures could cause further problems rather than being a preventative measure.


Gill Davies, Strategic Director of Environment and Leisure responded to the deputation. She explained that discussions were in place with stakeholders and residents.  Each of the schools would be contacted with an open and transparent agenda in these meetings.  Any feedback would be provided to the cabinet members for information.


The general comments from the audience were the council needed to ensure the business association are involved, also TfL had a massive budget the council should approach them to raise the £15k to retain the school patrol guards and any consultation with the local community should be given careful consideration.


Members submitted a motion that which was unanimously agreed at Community Council.


The agreed motion is set out below:


Dulwich Community Council notes the following on page 15 of the Council's recently-adopted "Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy":


"The safety of children on the road requires special attention"
and therefore urges the Council's Cabinet to remove the threat to the school crossing patrols at the junctions of East Dulwich Grove with Townley Road/Greendale and with Dulwich Village/Red Post Hill/Village Way, and to secure the permanent funding of the existing patrols at those locations".


The chair thanked Gill Davies for responding to questions.