Agenda item

Health profile of Walworth residents

Dr Anne Marie Connolly, Director of Public Health for Southwark


Dr Jin Lim, Consultant in Public Health, from Southwark PCT gave an overview of the health profile in Walworth. Figures for Walworth showed multiple indicators of deprivation and highlighted that the community council area comprised three wards with average incomes among the lowest in the borough. He illustrated this using the 42 bus route as an example: on its way from Tower Bridge to Camberwell Green, life expectancy of those living in the areas it services dropped by 4 years.


There were risks that all residents could and should avoid in order to stay healthier, these included: smoking, unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity and alcohol. Taking these steps would bring the following benefits:


  Reducing weight by 10% which can decrease risks of developing heart disease

  Likely decrease in risk of joint problems, and some cancers

  Improved reproductive health & maternity outcomes

  Lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes

  Prevention or delay of hypertension

  Improvement of mental health


NOTE: At this point Councillor Patrick Diamond rejoined the meeting.