Agenda item

Breast Cancer Screening

AbiAjose-Adeogun, Better Day Breast Cancer – presentation about breast cancer screening.


Abi Ajose-Adeogun from Better Day Breast Cancer informed the meeting about breast cancer screening. Abi explained that there was a particular focus on raising awareness of breast cancer screening amongst BME women, as uptake was low in this group.  BME women were less likely to develop breast cancer but it tended to be more aggressive and appear at a younger age. Abi was working with the NHS to look at the barriers to people attending the NHS screening programme and how these could be overcome.


Abi explained some of the risk factors of breast cancer including: age, family history, obesity, alcohol consumption and the contraceptive pill. Some of the following could decrease the risk of developing breast cancer: exercise, healthy lifestyle, breast feeding and having children. She encouraged people to take part in the NHS screening programme and to know the signs and symptoms.


In response to questions from the floor Abi explained the contraceptive pill only had a slight impact on the risk of breast cancer and that Better Day Breast Cancer were not promoting teenage pregnancy. When promoting the screening programme with young people the focus was on promoting a healthy lifestyle. Abi encouraged people to talk to their GP about contraceptive pill and HRT choices.