Agenda item

Local Bowel Cancer Screening Programme

Jo Zhou, Health Promotion Specialist – presentation on local bowel cancer screening.



Jo Zhou from South East London Bowel Cancer Screening programme explained some of the causes of bowel cancer including: high red meat consumption and lack of physical activity. Bowel cancer was more likely to affect people over the age of 60. It could be difficult to detect as systems were not often visible to the eye. Bowel cancer test kits were being sent to people over 60. Jo encouraged people to use the test kits and to call the advice line: 0800 707 6060 if they had any concerns.


The chair asked if there was a preferred diet. Jo stated the people should eat no more than 500g of red meat each week and increase their vitamin D, calcium and green vegetable consumption. Jo also stressed that spring greens, kiwi fruit and papaya were good foods for preventing bowel cancer.


In response to questions from the floor Jo said that if people under the age of 60-69 they should see their GP and that the programme was also involved in developing awareness of the symptoms of bowel cancer with GPs. Lifestyle was not the only cause of the disease and that genetics were also a factor. Bowel cancer screening was free and could be arranged by calling the number above.