Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer 2012/13

Andrea Allen, Senior Project Manager, and a representative from Friends of Nursery Row Park


A representative from Friends of Nursery Row Park will also report back on the funding they have received in the past.



Andrea Allen, Senior Project Manager, informed the meeting that the application process for Cleaner Greener Safer funding 2012/2013 was now open. 


She said that £246,000 would be available next year in the Walworth Community Council area, and that collaborative ventures were being encouraged. As in previous years, all proposed projects should fit in with the cleaner, greener, safer categories, for example projects in parks, improving access or pathways, extra safety measures or play facilities. The deadline for the receipt of applications was Friday 6 January 2012. For more information, please see


Noel Cosgrove from Bridport Street TRA and Laura Kim from the Friends of Nursery Row Park whose suggestions had received funding, gave feedback about the success of the schemes they had proposed in the past.