Agenda item

Planning application and planning enforcement performance for period 01/04/2011 to 31/08/2011

Councillors to note the report.


At this point, the chair adjourned the meeting for a three-minute comfort break, after which Councillor Darren Merrill rejoined the meeting.


Dennis Sangweme, Group Manager - Planning Enforcement, introduced the report and asked for councillors to feedback on the format and content of the report.


Responding to questions from councillors, Dennis explained that the relatively high number of outstanding enforcement cases was due to staff shortages, and that if garages were converted into self-contained dwellings without planning permission, enforcement action could be taken.


Members fed back that:


  • They were happy with the format of the report
  • They would like feedback on which steps officers were taking to ensure that planning applications are heard by the community council before their expiry date
  • They would like officers to take steps to reduce the number outstanding planning enforcement cases
  • That the report should include comparative figures from previous quarters


ACTION: Dennis Sangweme to feed back which steps officers were taking to ensure that planning applications are heard by the community council before their expiry date.


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