Agenda item

55 Cobourg Road, London SE5 0HU


At this point Councillor Darren Merrill sat with the audience.


Planning application reference number: 11-AP-1743




Erection of a 4-storey side extension, insertion of new internal doors at basement, ground, first and second floor levels to access new extension, provision of landscaping and new boundary wall and railings to front of dwelling, and refurbishment of rear courtyard and external toilet (Use Class C3).


The design and conservation officer introduced the report. Councillors asked questions of the design and conservation officer.   


There were no objectors present who wished to speak.


The applicant spoke in support of the application. Councillors asked questions of the applicant.


A supporter of the application who lived within 100 metres of the site spoke in support of the application. Councillors did not ask questions of the supporter.


Councillor Darren Merrill spoke in his capacity as a ward councillor. Councillors asked questions of Councillor Merrill.


At this point Councillor Darren Merrill left the meeting room.


Members discussed the application.




That listed building consent for application 11-AP-1743 be refused, as set out in the officer’s report.


Supporting documents: