Agenda item

Elephant and Castle Update




5.1    Representatives from Lendlease reported that they were working on the consultation process and holding monthly meetings via the forum. They were appointed in June 2010 and have held exhibitions. They informed the sub-committee that the website was now set up and the address was


5.2  Members were informed that there was a master-plan exhibition in the summer which had included :-


·  3 pop up events

·  3 walk and talk events (which proved to be very useful)

·  6 liaison meetings

·  6 outreach events

·  Regular drop-in sessions


5.3    It was reported that 600 people had attended and 200 feedback slips were received along with 100 comments from local residents. This information had given officers a sense of what was required from local people, such as the need for streets, squares and open spaces in a safe and secure environment.


5.4    Officers reported that there were 3 liaison groups which would provide further details of local needs, the groups consisted of business and retail, security and residents. It was also reported that should anyone require further information they should use the website stated in paragraph 5.1 of this minute.


5.5    Officers reported there was a walkabout held at Rodney Road with residents and contractors, which had been creative and informative. Feedback forms were to be incorporated into a database, this information would be distributed to all local homes in the area via a news letter.


5.6  Members were informed that a lot of hard work would be undertaken during the autumn and winter, the objective of this was to making a better place for people to live and enjoy, ensuring the environment of inclusiveness. Officers have built up a good dialogue with stakeholders and workshops are proving to be interesting but there remains a need to reach out to as many groups as possible.


5.7  In response to a question regarding involvement of different groups the officer reported that members of the forums would be making direct contact with members of the public, all voices would be heard and ideas would be taken onboard. Special events for groups who do not wish to attend meetings would be organised.


5.8  Officers informed the sub-committee that a newsletter containing the latest information would be despatched to residents every 2 months.


5.9  In response to a question regarding transport and access to the northern line, officers stated that creative thinking  was required to make the right impact and highlighted the following points:-


·  Retention of the shopping centre

·  Lifts solution – is deliverable

·  Funds are quite restrictive

·  The need for private and public sector working together and providing funds for improvement and environmental safety

·  400 buses an hour are presently going through the transport hub, with a interchange between buses, underground and trains. A tariff for all transport providers will be affordable and variable including TFL and the GLA.


5.10  Officers agreed with members that Southwark College could be a good gateway for young people to be able to get jobs in the building trade and to become stakeholders in this area.


5.7  The sub-committee were informed that the Rodney Road site would take 6 to 9 months to get up moving and begin building. Other areas had been identified such as community gardens site which was vacant and overgrown, this area would need clearing before any work could be started. People were being encouraged to use the surrounding roads.


5.8  Security fences would be up and secure before demolishing the Heygate and the contractor will be providing a new walkway and this should be completed by March 2012.


RESOLVED: The Chair with the agreement of the sub-committee noted the points raised in the presentation and informed officers that they would be invited to another meeting before the end of this financial year.